Browsing: The Indian-Americans

Kamala Harris, for the People’ is the new mantra of the US Senator from California who has dedicated her life to fighting for ordinary people, and she likes to use three words as an introduction to who she really is: “Tough. Principled. Fearless.” She proved this first when she became the first African-American, the first South Asian, and the very first woman to serve as Attorney General of the State of California.

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You could call them some of the most desirable voters in America that any political party would love to have in their ranks. Indeed, Indian-Americans seem to be in all 50 states and are strong players in the American political scene.So how is this viable block of American citizens going to vote in the upcoming presidential elections? Will they vote for a Democrat in the White House or four more years for Donald J. Trump?

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The 800 lb gorilla in America is still the issue of immigration and affects so many lives. Be it the construction of the border wall, detention centers, the elimination of chain migration and the visa lottery and the limbo lives of so many green card hopefuls – most of them Indian and the possibility they may still be waiting 50 years later.

Yet as South Asians turn to political activism and support civic organisations that fight for immigrant rights and human rights in America, we see some famous names in the arts taking on these issues on television and on the big screen.

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